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RB148 | 2023-12-15  
Something has sparked the dormant creativity of Rollerblaster label boss Loz and
he has dusted off his super-alter-ego Bassique Musique to provide our final EP
release of the year.
#3AM BCN is a two part love letter to Barcelona at night celebrating the people,
vibrancy, art and collectivism of the Catalan capital. #3AM itself is describes both
longing and joy at reunification. It's deep and dark, cut from snippets of vinyl sewn
together with ambient soundscapes from the city's streets.
'Es Rosa No Rojo' (It's Pink Not Red) is the naughtier missive, an intimate poem
set in a basement club with sweat dripping from the ceiling. The feel is raw,
bumping and grinding with an Antoni Tapies broken piano sculpture at its heart,
desperately dancing legs and flamenco claps.

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